
Meaning of Traffic Signs

  • By Michael McKean
  • 7 min read

The tell-tale signs.

A red stop sign.

'Life is good to those who read the signs right.'

Said . . . a wise person.

But no, really, that bit of advice applies to driving as much as anything else, which is why we've put together this handy post on the matter.

Learning to Drive?

Then there's a lot to learn, and not least about road signs.

But they are still part of the puzzle.

Yet even if you've had that license for quite a few years, it never hurts to brush up on your knowledge.

Different Shapes Have Different Meanings

There are dozens of different road signs, but luckily, most of them fall into just a few categories based on their shape and colour.

So even if you don't know the specifics of what a certain road sign means, by taking note of its shape/colour, you should at least be able to get a general picture of what it's telling you to do.

Of course, there are always a few exceptions to the rule, but most signs do fall into the following categories:

  • Circular road signs: If they have a red border, it means they're giving orders and MUST be followed. They're telling you what not to do, e.g. take a U-turn. Blue circular signs on the other hand are giving a positive instruction, e.g. 'turn left ahead'.

  • Triangular road signs: Triangular signs give warnings. This could be about the road layout ahead or any hazards that might be coming up, such as sharp bends. They almost always have a red border.

  • Rectangular road signs: Rectangular road signs are used to inform. They come in different colours, so blue rectangular road signs will give information on motorways, green rectangular signs will direct you on primary roads, and white rectangular signs will give directions on minor roads.

Triangular Road Signs

As mentioned, triangular road signs are there to warn road users about potential hazards ahead. They always have red borders (in colour psychology, red signifies danger), indicating anything from a junction coming up to animals potentially crossing the road.

Red Circles

Rather than warning you about dangers ahead, these road signs indicate that you must not do something. They're signalled using a red ring, although some circles are entirely red. Sometimes, there may also be a diagonal red line striking through the symbol. One of the most common of these signs is the speed limit sign.

Blue Circles

On the flipside of the coin, blue circular road signs usually indicate that you must do something. They're generally used for minimum speed limits and to show you that there's only one route to follow.

The Give Way Sign

One of the most common road signs on Britain's roads, it's made easier to recognise by its unique upside down triangle shape.

Which means you should still be able to recognise it even if it's covered in snow, for example.

It basically means that when you're emerging from a minor road onto a major road, you must 'give way' and stop for approaching vehicles. Then pull out when it's safe to do so.

‘National Speed Limit Applies' Sign

Another of the most common UK road signs, it's circular, so you know it must be an instruction that has to be followed.

However, rather than being red or white, these signs are black and white, making them very easy to recognise.

Unlike a maximum speed sign, which actually tells you what the maximum speed is, this one assumes that you know the national speed limit for certain types of road. So you better make sure that you do!

Dual carriageways/Motorways: 70mph

Single carriageways/Country roads: 60mph

Residential/Built-up areas: 30mph

‘T-junction’ Sign

A T-junction is where a minor road joins a major road without crossing it, resulting in the shape of the letter 'T'.

So this sign is there to warn you when you're approaching one in a busy area, as vehicles may be stopping to turn. Which can be especially handy when driving on dark roads at night.

They may look slightly similar, but the T-junction sign shouldn't be confused with the 'No Through Road' sign, which consists of a blue square with a red and white 'T'.

‘No Motor Vehicles’ Sign

It means what it says it means: no motor vehicles (so cars, buses, and pretty much anything that runs on an engine) permitted on the road. Maybe because the area is reserved for cyclists and pedestrians only.

However, the sign is sometimes misunderstood to mean that only cars and motorbikes are permitted. But if you know your shapes and colours when it comes to traffic signs, you'll know that can't be the case at all.

‘Two-Way Traffic’ Sign

This sign is used to make you aware that you're about to leave a one-way street and enter into a two-way road.

So if you were just getting used to having the width of the road all to yourself, this acts as a heads-up and a quick reality check.

Be sure to keep to the left-hand side of the road and be ready for oncoming traffic.

If the black arrows in the sign are positioned horizontally, it means that you'll have to either turn left or right in order to join the two-way road ahead.

‘Traffic Has Priority Over Oncoming Vehicles’ Sign

A rectangular blue sign with a large white arrow and smaller red arrow pointing in opposite directions, this one signifies that you have priority over vehicles coming from the opposite side of the road.

You'll often come across these in tight spots with parked cars, usually in villages and small towns.

You could also find them at points when a road or bridge becomes too narrow, or as part of traffic calming measures where there's only room for 1 vehicle to pass at a time.

‘No Overtaking’ Sign

You'll often see this at times when a road becomes too narrow, or when forward visibility is reduced.

So, see that slow-coach in front of you? Best put off overtaking them for the time being.

The sign might also be displayed whenever there's a risk of cars pulling out from parking spaces or from driveways, increasing the risk of a head-on collision.

Stop Sign

Pretty self-explanatory.

A Stop sign means that you must stop by the solid white line, even if there's no traffic coming.

That's what makes it different from a Give Way.

Because the Stop instruction is so important, the sign is unique in that it's shaped like an octagon, making it more recognisable to drivers (hopefully!) in the event that it's obscured by dirt or snow.

‘No Stopping' Sign

Basically the opposite of the red Stop sign, this one indicates that, actually, you must not stop at all.

Not even to pick up or set down passengers.

Meant for a different set of circumstances, it's usually displayed around areas like commuter roads, Red Routes, or outside schools – places where stopping might actually cause more bad than good.

Unfortunately, it's one of the most misunderstood signs, probably not helped by the fact that it's not the most common, meaning many drivers have fell foul of the law as a result.

The good news is that the restrictions sometimes only apply at certain times of day, for example at rush hour or school leaving times.

‘Maximum Speed' Sign

Another of the more common road signs that you'll encounter in your travels, these speed limit signs show the maximum speed that's permitted on a certain road.

In theory, there's a good chance you'll have the maximum speeds memorised anyway (70mph for motorways, 30mph for residential streets, etc.), but the signs are there to help keep you right in any case. And the National Speed Limit won't always apply to certain roads or sections of road.

This sign will often appear with the word ‘ZONE’ written underneath it with an image selected by the relevant local authority, in order to tell you that you're entering a local speed zone.

‘No Entry for Vehicular Traffic' Sign

The bane of many a driver, this sign's usually seen when you're lost or at the start of a road you want to go through.

It features a white horizontal stripe through the middle to signify that vehicles aren’t permitted, meaning you've got to do the old switcheroo and go back the way you came.

Unlike the ‘no motor vehicles’ sign, this sign also prohibits cyclists and buses from entering a road.


So, think you now know your Give Ways from your No Entries, and your Maximum Speeds from your National Speed Limits?

It's all part of the learning experience, of course, and the more you're out on the road, the better you'll get at recognising the signs.

Remember, if you know what the different shapes and colours mean, you're already halfway there.


How can you identify traffic signs that give orders?

There's 3 basic types of road signs: those that give warnings, those that give information, and those that give orders. Generally speaking, circular traffic signs are the ones that give orders, so that's how you know.

How can I learn road signs fast?

At the end of the day, it's all a memory game. So a good method might be to revise (maybe in the Highway Code), then have someone show you the different UK road signs, at which you try to match them with the right answer. Then rinse and repeat.

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