
Can You Test Drive a Lease Car?

  • By Michael McKean
  • 2 min read

Sure can. Find out how.

A car being driven at high speed.

Before signing the contract on a new lease car, you probably want to find out how she runs, right?

Unfortunately, the majority of lease providers don’t offer test drives. After all, most don’t even have any physical cars or showrooms. Go figure.

But not to worry, not to worry. You'll still be able to arrange a test drive through a manufacturer website or at a local dealer before you decide on a lease.

Of course, it's best to be a little discreet with the car salesmen at these places. They're going to be a lot less keen on booking you in for a test drive if they know you've got no intention of buying/PCP-ing from them. (Don't feel guilty, leasing is 10x better anyway!)

And remember, most cars have lots of different trims (i.e. slight variations in the looks/features), so make sure that the one which you test drive is the same one that you’re thinking of taking out a lease deal on.

As we know, lease deals don't hang around forever, so what if you go for a test drive and then find out that the lease deal on that car has magically disappeared?

Well, that’s why it's always worth contacting the leasing partner beforehand to ask whether they can ‘hold’ the deal for you until you’ve gone for a test drive. Not every leasing partner is going to say yes to that, but it’s still worth a try.

And how exactly do you get in contact with a leasing partner?

That’s easy. Just click ‘Compare deals’ and then ‘Get a quote’ on any of the vehicle pages on our site, and that’ll bring up a contact information box which will get you in touch with the leasing partner responsible for that deal.

Now, over to you . . .

Quickly search all the big leasing sites